We are Suzanne and René and live with our dogs: Loa, Jebel en Fiona in Albergen in the Netherlands. Our dogs have an open, friendly characters and want to work for the boss. You can describe them as sweet, social, cheerful and energetic. They go with us on holidays, enjoy attention but also easily can stay home alone. At home they are lazy, characteristic for the Rhodesian Ridgeback.
Our first dog was Maxx, a Rottweiler. A stable, confident, social male who still has a special place in our hearts. He brought us lots of joy. When Maxx became two years old Queie came in our lives, unexpected. A heavily neglected dog that needed a good home. By the arrival of Queie, a hobby has been added: Observing and studying dog behavior. We where confident to give Queie a second chance in live. She has evolved as a confident, social dog that has got her trust back in humans.
When Maxx died, Queie missed a ‘ buddy ‘. We always found the Rhodesian Ridgbeack (RR) an impressive breed because of his dignified expression and athletic build. After studying the breed in 2011, PJ, our first RR male, came in our lives. He turned our lives upside down. PJ was a dynamic, cheerful, happy, funny puppy. However, PJ was far too busy for an old dog like Queie. Queie found PJ great but could simply not ‘ keep up with him’. She had to be relieved. That was clear. We had to find a buddy for PJ.The choice was simple. It had to be another RR.
In September 2012, Izzy came into our family. We have not regretted that for a moment. Izzy has become a wonderful, healthy, sensitive, playful, sweet, calm ‘lady’. We delved into genetics and concluded that Izzy is a worthy RR who represents the breed well. She is foundation mother of our ‘kennel’ Van de Pronkhoeve. She has now given birth to beautiful, sweet, social, healthy, strong, balanced, active children. Her daughters Loa and Jebel ‘strengthened’ our pack. In the meantime, these daughters have also provided for a new generation. Both Loa and Jebel had a litter at the age of 4 and Fiona and Koosje respectively stayed with us so that they can romp as much as possible with their grandmother Izzy.